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Sisterhood Gardens on Brotherhood Way is a Community Garden in the Oceanview-Merced Heights-Ingleside (OMI) neighborhood of San Francisco. Sisterhood Gardens is a project of the Chinese Progressive Association.
With over two years of planning and development by local citizens and the city of San Francisco, we proudly held our groundbreaking on April 20th 2016.
We host monthly volunteer build days! We welcome the entire SF Bay Area community to come out and help build up this vital green space and community food garden in San Francisco!
2022 Sisterhood Gardens Steering Committee:
- Alex Madrid
- amy huỳnh (Garden Staff)
- Andie Rice (emeritus)
- Blas Herrera
- Glenn Rogers
- Ian Meyer
- Jamie Chan
- Jen Chen
- Laura Padilla
- Marc Christensen (emeritus)
- Mayumi Fujio
- Nataliya Tovchigrechko
- Tiffany Ng (Garden Staff)
- Timothy Wong (Garden Staff).
The Sisterhood Gardens project site exists north east of Arch Street and Brotherhood Way on the south west side of San Francisco in the Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside (OMI) neighborhoods. The site sits on three parcels and two unimproved sections right-of-way under the management of the San Francisco Department of Public Works.
灣景區的社區花園專案工地建立在三藩市南西側灣景區,Merced Heights,Ingleside 社區的東北部 Arch街和Brotherhood way內。 該專案工地坐立在三藩市公共工程部管理下的兩個沒有改善的部分通行權和三個合區內。
The idea of developing this area into a community green space has been promoted by a couple different neighborhood groups. This current project is an effort to combine the various ideas in the community into a single consolidated vision. An initial public meeting was held on September 17, 2014 to discuss the process and gauge community support for the project. The development for this project was supported by former District 11 Supervisor John Avalos, San Francisco Public Works, the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, and the San Francisco Parks Alliance.
幾個不同的社區團體一直在推動社區綠色空間發展這方面的想法。 這個計畫是努力將社會中的各種觀念結合成為一個單一的統一設想。 第一次的公共會議在2014 年 9 月 17 日舉行並討論計畫過程和衡量計畫的社區支援。 這個計畫的發展是由第11區 事 參 市 艾華洛,三藩市公共工程,三藩市娛樂與公園管理部門及三藩市公園聯盟支援。